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    EnOcean's seal for battery-free switches. 100% battery-free. 100% wire-free. 100% convenient. EnOcean's seal for battery-free switches. 100% battery-free. 100% wire-free. 100% convenient.

    kindle电子书免- 烧饼哥加速器

    EnOcean provides reliable and self-powered wireless sensor solutions for the Internet of Things.

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    kindle电子书免- 烧饼哥加速器

    Wireless and self-powered Easyfit LED lighting controls save energy, cut costs and are fast to install.

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    kindle电子书免- 烧饼哥加速器

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    kindle电子书免- 烧饼哥加速器

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    Get to know us

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    kindle电子书免- 烧饼哥加速器

    Battery-free wireless switches use kinetic energy converters for switch applications in buildings and the Internet of Things.


    kindle电子书免- 烧饼哥加速器

    For our wireless sensors, we extract energy from ambient light using small solar cells.


    kindle电子书免- 烧饼哥加速器

    Self-powered sensors are used for building automation systems. With them, lighting, heating, security and other services can be controlled intelligently and in an energy-saving way. EnOcean offers an entire wireless module portfolio and development tools for edge devices, gateways and distributed control systems.

    kindle电子书免- 烧饼哥加速器

    For LED light control we offer a complete package in the EnOcean radio standard 902 MHz with transmitters, receivers and a commissioning tool.


    kindle电子书免- 烧饼哥加速器

    We drive sustainable solutions for the digitization - wireless and maintenance-free. Our self-powered sensors can be seamlessly integrated into IoT platforms.

    Our Technology

    Energy Harvesting

    Energy harvesting wireless sensors harvest and manage the smallest amount of energy from their environment.



    EnOcean uses wireless standards optimized for solutions with ultra-low power consumption and energy harvesting.


    Energy management and highly efficient energy storage are key to wireless technology for battery-less wireless sensor solutions.


    EnOcean for Europe
    868 MHz

    EnOcean for USA/Canada
    902 MHz

    EnOcean for Japan
    928 MHz

    for Bluetooth® systems (worldwide)
    2.4 GHz

    for Zigbee systems (worldwide)
    2.4 GHz

    For Japan
    Long Range



    New alliance formed

    Jul 14, 2024

    Opportunities for hyperaware smart buildings from EnOcean

    Jul 08, 2024


    Jul 08, 2024


    Jul 07, 2024

    EnOcean has developed new multisensor for building automation and the Internet of Things


    教你轻松登录使用Ins-百度经验:2021-10-30 · 教你轻松登录使用Ins,如今越来越多的明星会在i上发布动态,你是否有为登录不了而烦恼呢?一个简单的方法,使你不管在国内国外,都能轻松登录使用i,不错过idol的每一张自拍,每一张动态,想必心情也会美滋滋


    Magazine from EnOcean for Energy Havesting Wireless Sensor Technology

    Wireless Standard for Smart Buildings

    教你轻松登录使用Ins-百度经验:2021-10-30 · 教你轻松登录使用Ins,如今越来越多的明星会在i上发布动态,你是否有为登录不了而烦恼呢?一个简单的方法,使你不管在国内国外,都能轻松登录使用i,不错过idol的每一张自拍,每一张动态,想必心情也会美滋滋

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